We generally recommend working with rapé twice per day to begin with – once in the morning and once in the evening. However, this depends on each person’s tolerance levels and also their personal situation. If you are going through a particularly stressful and sick period, you may decide to use it more regularly. For some people several times a week is fine, or only during Ayahuasca or other medicine ceremonies.
For others, they may need to work intensively with these medicines to do some very deep work, purging and intensive healing. Please listen to your body, intuition, and the spirit of these sacred medicines – they will guide you, as to what’s best for you personally.
Traditionally, some indigenous Brazilian tribes use rapé during Ayahuasca (nixi pae) and Kambo ceremonies; in order to assist with moving any stuck energies or blockages, to help with vomiting and bowel movements, and to intensify your journey. Rapé can be applied before, during, or after other medicine ceremonies too.
Generally, we suggest a pea-sized amount of rapé for both nostrils for beginners, and then increasing the dosage after prolonged use of one type of rapé. However, everyone has naturally difference tolerance levels, so some people may require larger doses, and others smaller doses. Please experiment to see what works for you personally. Also, when using the ‘gentler’ rapés like Imburana, Apurina, Matses, and Crystal Clarity, then you can start with larger doses, if preferred.